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@Owl @shedinja Normal people don't like these redcoat fed niggers. I don't have to pretend otherwise since I'm not on their payroll

@Owl @shedinja unlikable to who? zionists clearly. that's a good thing

@transgrammaractivist @shedinja Fedi was a discord homo cringe fest and they had nothing to gatekeep anyway

@shedinja everyone who bitches about gab every week is a jew anyway. the fuck is gab doing to you otherwise

@charliebrownau @YoMomz @Zeb Solipsism is bad politically but might be evolutionary in terms of it's favorable to support your own child over others. This has been subverted psychologically today by mass media propaganda.

mage boosted

@mage @YoMomz
Women have no home nor the concept of a "homeland". They just live with their current boyfriend.

@sickburnbro boomers already have these, it's lack of new generation buyers probably

@TimeSpent My dad used to have police hat on his dash he got from donating to them, and you can park in the loading zones anywhere you want with that.

@ILoveAmericaNews I care about quality of life more than a fat bank account tbh

@sickburnbro working class people have already been in a recession for several years. This is just the big money guys finally catching up to that reality.

Based_Accelerationist that's fine. cope however you want. I have no need to waste time on an impostor

@Invictus Democrats do such a bad job at running the machine I'm tempted to vote for them to break it on purpose.

@fkamiah17 Lots of charged particles probably came out of the volcano and reacted with those in the air

@Based_Accelerationist So you don't actually know anything about it then. Larp

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A club for red-pilled exiles.