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@sickburnbro I think it's an issue for non-public reasons like they want to harvest stem cells and the whole "women's rights" thing is just a cover.

@doonxib some western studio must have gone - ain't no japs gonna out-isekai us damnit!

@sickburnbro It's a bad sign for other issues. We need federal power to cancel things like sanctuary cities. If you leave it up to the states you are enabling the communists to attack the rest of the country.

@sickburnbro Twitter liberals are just the worst people ever. Trump wants to do anything good for you? Well it's actually bad for you retard! ~Nyeh!

This doesn't sound like anyone who has my best interests in mind. All they want to do is talk shit that anyone other than themselves is getting a better deal.

@sickburnbro Bitching about socialism is a boomer take. Muh free markets don't fix anything against global monopolies. This is cope.

@sickburnbro this guy just fuckin never learns. He's not even a real right winger. "Bipartisan" is for fags.

@Owl damn fascists, they created biology and shit

@BronzeAgeHogCranker @deprecated_ii @Nudhul I have restarted many a jvm to fix production issues believe me. The total data center structure of large organization is such a rat's nest of different acquisitions that nobody really understands all the dependencies until they break it.

@Owl Just because movies like twilight have sales doesn't make it good writing. I'm sure you know that.

@Owl it's funny that jews are so money focused since they are so bad at making good products

@BronzeAgeHogCranker @deprecated_ii @Nudhul You're preaching to the choir on not wanting to support diversity hires so don't get the wrong idea. Programming's not my area of expertise, I was just curious.

@deprecated_ii Terminal power daughter syndrome. Confirmed gay dad

@Eleutheria2 @Scot_Paladin As if they aren't already being subsidized by the state to a ridiculous degree? That is hilarious. Fighting isn't female behavior to begin with and the lesbos are mad the worst liberal society in history isn't ten times more cringe? This will bomb.

@Humpleupagus @PraxisOfEvil That just means they have 20 kids to feed it doesn't mean they want to get ripped off at work forever

@Humpleupagus @PraxisOfEvil There is no chance in hell even people in the Philippines put up with that nonsense for more than a few years at best. This guy is delusional.

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