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RoofKorean boosted

Remember when the Ukrainian counter-offensive was going badly and they activated a coup attempt by Wagner? They were trying to get something going to gain an advantage because things were going badly for them.

Activating Turkey and ISIS to try and spread Russia out is one of the Regime's last trump cards, and for what? Because Israel needed a break from Hezbollah and didn't want to appear weak?

Let's see what Russia does after this meeting with Turkey in Doha tomorrow.

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RoofKorean boosted

"It only made the news because the bear was white" Thanks Sandman

Regarding Merovingian being down maybe AMR was migrating shit to the new server?

RoofKorean boosted

We are back.

So many bad things this week and even merovingian was down

Well. Apparently you can’t find good NGOs and Spooks anymore
Nice that Russia can now collect the $10mil US bounty on their own asset.

Im sorry but it appears that your literary masterpiece may not come to fruition. 🥲

RoofKorean boosted

@charliebrownau I don’t assume that at all. If Western Societies I.e. men, kept their pimp hand strong, we wouldn’t be in this horrible mess. Millions of discarded babies and declining birth rates are the result

RoofKorean boosted

When the terminator sexdolls are the norm, this will be us during retirement @Tfmonkey

RoofKorean boosted

@marlathetourist She's the exact same as Sargon, except more successful.
The only personal conviction most people have is money.

Or... she is just changing her opinion more favorable to the current political winds. Smart or just lack of personal conviction?

RoofKorean boosted
@marlathetourist @Stahesh Lack of direct consequences is one of the reasons we are in this mess

We transferred individual responsibilities and agency
to the state

@charliebrownau @Stahesh How do you say "take womens rights away" without saying take womens rights away?

@Stahesh Its also been said "An armed society is a polite society"

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.