@VooDooMedic When you invite niggers in Europe and they turn out not be doctors and engineers. This is the same concept.

@VooDooMedic This pedo wants to take your guns. (It will be easier for him to go after your kids.) Do we do it the russian way?

@Tfmonkey Here is the info about ozempic and fertility. It was just poor absorbtion of the pill and fat women regaining their fertility.

@VooDooMedic @ButtWorldsMan Lets laught at germans: "Pay for my dinner or give me your info so I can sue you using German laws in Laos":PikaShocked: :YRUGay:

@VooDooMedic Let this Navalnii traitor rest in piss. Good on Putin for taking the trash out and finally killing him. Hope Zelenskii is next.

The nigga: Where the fuck is my fucking tank?
The russian: Opa, holy shit, a nigger.

Ukrainians beat up an romanian orthodox metropolitan which is a position below patriarch i.e the pope of the country. These animals are trying to extinguish orthodoxy and the traitorous jew on top is supervising it. When will Russia annex that shithole and be done with them? Edit: The hohols also burned his house and poisoned him a couple of years ago.

Translation: Warning Mad Wife (The dog is quite decent)

This is why wide roads are important. Had this happened in the UK, there would have been one less car on the road and at least 2 people dead.

@Tfmonkey I found out that the old wallachian word for serf is a rumân and serfdom is rumânie. Which the almost same as their name of today of both the country and people. Fitting, since they depend on the west and suck their dick in all the media. For Moldova the word is literally neighbour😂 i.e. romania.

What is it with women and their body byproducts and waste?

These are my sprit animals. I too like some whiskey like all eastern europeans.

@Tfmonkey Imagine what part of history theyre rewriting at the moment. This is just further confirmation of the CIA's psy-ops.

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