@VooDooMedic When you invite niggers in Europe and they turn out not be doctors and engineers. This is the same concept.
@VooDooMedic This pedo wants to take your guns. (It will be easier for him to go after your kids.) Do we do it the russian way?
@Tfmonkey Here is the info about ozempic and fertility. It was just poor absorbtion of the pill and fat women regaining their fertility.
@VooDooMedic @ButtWorldsMan Lets laught at germans: "Pay for my dinner or give me your info so I can sue you using German laws in Laos"
@Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic This should the the anthem of the ghetto. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gM3T1XLJjuU&pp=ygUUbm93IHlvdSBhIHNpbmdsZSBtb20%3D
@Tfmonkey Looks like the Brits are trying to stir up shit again. https://youtu.be/sXN1YIcx0fk?si=4As4zwPGFvoGmCyV
Who knew that productivity falls of a cliff if your rommie can fuck your woman and you can't do shit about it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbHuNT7hKaw
@VooDooMedic Let this Navalnii traitor rest in piss. Good on Putin for taking the trash out and finally killing him. Hope Zelenskii is next.
@Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic The American village in Russia is oficially live. This is their website. http://americanvillages.tilda.ws/
Еу ыс заебит. Дакэ ынцелеӂь, ешть де-ал ностру.