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Yeah, sure, white tall attractive financially successful landlords raped.
More like the ladies used the only value they have in a time of difficult economic stress, then felt buyer's remorse at the next block party when they bragged to each other how the fucked the landlord.

Landlords should have known better than to shit where they eat. They were too easily led astray by the thic booty sirens into the rocks.

Everything is just gay feds. It's gay feds all the way down.

If toxic masculinity was real, then children raised without men would be the happiest and most successful children, and women living alone without men would not be on every anti-depressant known to humanity.

I was on the ground at Asheville airport dropping off supplies to a private party, away from the main ramp. Still, a FEMA lackey came over to tell us to take the delivery to their area. The second he saw that we all were armed, he quickly STFU and walked away.

The 2000lbs of stuff we brought in has made its way to those in need.

Just installed Cosmic DE Alpha 2. Incredibly snappy. Clean, sharp.
It's the Gnome I always wanted.
Done with Windows. 1.5 years with Win 11 spysoft and the same stupid phantom task bar icon bug for multi-desktop.

They spent all that money on migrants, and now FEMA is broke and can't help for .
The number of coincidences right now as we approach election are getting beyond enumeration.
It feels like the regime is desperate, both globally, and domestically.
If you're already prepared, prepare more.
If you're not prepared, what in the fuck are you waiting for?

Sorry, Appalachia is too White, maybe let some Haitians in and then we'll talk chuds.

>US Dockworkers striking
>Helene blows up half the South East (the place where 90% of all Frontline soldier come from) and the Kamala administration just openly does nothing
>Iran directly attacks Israel (this will likely expand into a direct land war)
>Everyone hates the US military

You know guys call me a conspiracy theorist but I don't think things are going well for the USA (Usury, Sodomy, Abortion)

Whenever I hear about how horrible Russia and China are due to their governments arresting political dissidents for their speech, I just realize how ignorant many Americans are. Sure, the US government will not directly arrest you for your speech, but they will engage in every form of lawfare possible and coerce "private companies" into acting on their behalf, and in the end arrest you for something else they think they can charge you with.

That totally makes us a free country, right?

@Tfmonkey The logical reason for Russia or Iran to not retaliate right now is to not start WW3 with a major US election right around the corner. Trumps a deal maker and will cut a deal and end the violence/war. If Trump can't overcome Kamala's election stealing machine, I think Russia might just find its balls. Being weak promotes indeterminate future aggression, but retaliation promotes it immediately. The regime will always double down no matter what, its all they know.

Americans scream tyranny is wonderful, but Americans are unable to explain why Cubans try to escape even though Cuba has gun control and free medical care.

No Face has been a humorous distraction from the shit fest of this current timeline. Metokur level shit-trolling on everybody.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.