@Mr_Mister @sardonicsmile Come on men that Is my líne I have been saying that since 1 year after The vaccine got roll people are still fine no even a 0.00001% of The people that took The jab AND Boosters have adverts effects

@sardonicsmile This pretty gay on some aspects, but the sentiment is there.

@sardonicsmile nothing that this guy says is true, all those things happened without the baby boomers voting for it, all of it happened bc the current generation complained that they wanted it for free amd so gov gave them shit cuz the only free thing in the world is shit.

@37712 Perhaps it was an exaggeration but the sentiment is valid, yes...?


There are lots of things to blame the "Me Generation" for, but the things this guy whines about were created by diversity and welfare state rules that changed in 1960-1968.

Socialism and diversity are death.

@amerika @sardonicsmile

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, here it is again.


What a win for the "elite". Not only do they get to enrich themselves through the Cantillon effect but their victims are kept distracted by blaming each other so as to never learn who the real evildoers are.

BTC and a whole lot of time helps to fix this.

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