@sardonicsmile blame whitey,I am sure it was a Zionist in most cases

@sardonicsmile Nail polish isn't helping Prof Soy here. But what he's saying is probably true, just not a 100% cause. There's also welfare and feminism having destroyed the black family, like you say there is zoning creating unnatural areas where there's nothing but homes, etc.

The truth is usually complex. Lies have to be simple or nobody would listen until the end.

@Mongoliaboo @sardonicsmile there would not be an opportunity to accomplish this sort of thing if the conditions were not already ripe for this sort of thing to occur. Perhaps there is no one source to place all the blame, but there are a lot of people who were inactive that could have done more to prevent the decay from happening.

@sardonicsmile So his point is, guettos where only niggers live are white men's fault.
Now we know who's responsible for Somalia, some random white dude

@sardonicsmile holy shit that's genius. Starve out the niggers and the tax payer will buy the property for "fair" white value!

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