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@Zeb Well, any answer is the wrong answer. Moreover, they NEVER test chad.

@shortstories Well, If you fall in a silo, you are going to sink, immediately. Like quicksand. Movement will sink you more. You must be extracted.

Simp cops let's off speeding female with a warning after chatting with her about her being broke and cannot afford a speeding ticket.
Fu k the police.

An Alabama woman was pulled over for speeding. Instead of a ticket, the trooper gave her life-changing advice. - CBS News

@Tfmonkey TFM: Glad to hear you visited a Doctor and have a diagnosis. I hope your situation improves.

@sardonicsmile @VeganMGTOW @37712 I too have a soft spot for females in the kitchen, but they don't get sympathy from me because often I have to teach them how to cook properly. I've yet to meet one who can outperform me in the culinary arts.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.