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Oh! so NOW the moms are fighting back?
Where were they up until this time?
They are strong and independent. Let them call the bear.

So now they are "her organs" because "she made them"...!?

Repost of Paul's content.
Looks like his channel was "terminated"

RIP, Paul

Where have all the good men gone OR how come I can't find a good man?


law is much more available to some kinds of people than others. Self-help is more often resorted to where law is less available.[34] Lower class people of all sorts enjoy less legal protection: “To the police and other authorities, the problems of these people seem less severe, their injuries less severe, their honor less important.”[35] High status people use the law more than low status people, and especially they use it against low status people.

Needs attention online or offline. Doesn't matter. Like that one image says, women cease to exist when alone.

They are allowed to ignore Law; both the criminals and the "law enforcement establishment" *because* Law is NOT the rule.
"Law Enforcement" is perhaps the most cruel oxymoron of the English language. MOST of them do Not even know or understand the laws they are charged with enforcing.
Expecting fidelity to Law by "law enforcement" would be as utterly foolish as naming my dog, "Cat" and expecting it to start purring and climbing trees.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.