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‘It’s Turning Into WW3’; The Draft, ‘Greater Depression’, Could Return |...

Steve Bannon starts his sentence today and gets out just a few days before the November election.

Democrats: "Trump will steal elections, eliminate all our freedoms and lock up his political opponents .."

Previously unseen footage of jew investment banker Jonathan Kaye fighting with anti-israel trannies at a Brooklyn Pride event.

Just because you have seen some Twitter screencaps and random news articles about how "they are admitting that Covid was all a hoax" does not mean that the general public is now aware of this fact. The people you knew before that were hysterical about Covid still think it was a "deadly pandemic" and have no clue that a lot of the "Covid deaths" were padded out numbers by marking everyone with a positive test as a "Covid death" regardless if it even had anything to do with their death.

When even an Israeli Journalist is more truthful about his own country than TFM's beloved Jewish cohost who lives in the US and larps as a Right-wing American, you know something's wrong.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.