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Why are there so many Trump rap songs. Also, isn't it a gian L for balck people to claim Trump because of the felonies?

@Shadowman311 Is no one else thrown off by the amount of fat people everywhere? I was looking at a documentary of a known poor country. Fatties all over. Poor means less food and money, wtf am I missing. Also, I won't be going on any fucking cruises then.

RT @[email protected]:

White House says Biden was examined by his doctor in recent days and it was determined he has a cold - CBS

Someone asked UN Women their thoughts on the matter, but they were too busy wearing burqas to hear the questions.

I'm seeing articles about how if Trump wins, the AI tech bubble with pop, and the markets/economy will crash.


The market/economy should have crashed in 2023 when the banks started failing. Everything has been propped up by market manipulation and bullshit since then to get Biden re-elected.

However, manipulating markets is not without consequences, and this Jenga tower is going to fall regardless, and take the dollar with it.

it's so insane that they can get logos right on one side, but not the other. Clear evidence there is no "thinking" going on.

Anybody got that meme about women being the most vociferous enforcers of the communist regime?

dystopian futurism from the 80s led me to believe that "punks' would be a much bigger problem than they turned out to be.

Or perhaps the "punks" were just trannies the entire time, and we didn't realize it at the time. You be the judge:

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