@theFlow While I have nothing against #7 and #8 as practices per se, none of them are full-proof protections anymore than a prenup is. Just having some pieces of paper does nothing to keep a female in line when the system will still use force against you. This is wishful thinking.

@DoubleD @theFlow men tried to create consent contracts and they were thrown out. I have a friend into BDSM who's sub threw him in prison and the judge didn't care about their contracts. Her female tears were all the proof needed to convict.


@Tfmonkey @DoubleD @theFlow

They will say she clearly was abused into making the diary, journal or log documenting her life to say she was not abused and her husband used abuse to make her write all the words she wrote

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@shortstories @Tfmonkey @DoubleD @theFlow why would you ever get married to someone that you thought you'd need legal protections against in the future?

that's some cucked faggot thinking
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