@theFlow While I have nothing against #7 and #8 as practices per se, none of them are full-proof protections anymore than a prenup is. Just having some pieces of paper does nothing to keep a female in line when the system will still use force against you. This is wishful thinking.

@DoubleD @theFlow men tried to create consent contracts and they were thrown out. I have a friend into BDSM who's sub threw him in prison and the judge didn't care about their contracts. Her female tears were all the proof needed to convict.

@Tfmonkey @DoubleD @theFlow

They will say she clearly was abused into making the diary, journal or log documenting her life to say she was not abused and her husband used abuse to make her write all the words she wrote

@shortstories @Tfmonkey @DoubleD @theFlow why would you ever get married to someone that you thought you'd need legal protections against in the future?

that's some cucked faggot thinking

@theFlow Oh shit! Oh fuck! The feminist judge in Family Court just threw all that shit out! The court-appointed shrink says your wife is abused and has Stockholm Syndrome! Your lawyer says the only way to maybe avoid criminal charges is to give her everything you have!!

@caekislove @theFlow these files you have been keeping are evidence of a controlling, abusive relationship!

the twatter op is a fucking mong

@Kang_Kong3 @theFlow The whole point is you can't rules-lawyer your way out of getting fucked in an anarcho-tyranny.

@caekislove @theFlow family courts have no oversight or accountability by design.

@Kang_Kong3 @theFlow Family courts shouldn't exist. There's no constitutional mandate for the state to mediate marriage disputes.

@caekislove @Kang_Kong3 @theFlow not enough lawyers being killed to make the point for them to fuck off
@caekislove @theFlow they exist as a model for a female led society. utterly biased, frequently irrational, secretive and unaccountable where a woman's allegations require no evidence at all
@caekislove @theFlow @Kang_Kong3 I would also say you shouldn't be concerned with outjewing the court in all circumstances as a prerequisite to having a family or else you will never actually have a family.

@DrRyanSkelton @theFlow @Kang_Kong3 True, but if you have a wife and you're living in America you should be aware that all day, every day, she will be surrounded by voices telling her that she would be happier if she divorced you and took all your stuff. Be prepared to wage an endless war for her mind because if you fail to do so then you'll lose.

This is true and factual and actually experience irl.
@caekislove @theFlow @DrRyanSkelton @Kang_Kong3 Just threaten more violence than the government is willing to. Works great so far.
@caekislove @theFlow @Kang_Kong3 Aye, but nothing worth doing is risk free. Be it a great creation, an adventurous undertaking, or making a family, that risk will always be there but you do not want fear of it to stop you.
@caekislove @theFlow @Kang_Kong3 I understand being clueless, despairing at only finding low quality women, being autistic (wants to talk to women but cannot), being autistic (does not want to talk to women), but looking at the odds and despairing and refusing to swing until it can be made safe is the error I do not want to see my e-friends make
Anything to be accomplished should feel daunting when staring at the prospect of it.
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