This is a great point to bring up to anyone who claims to be Christian and is a Zionist at the same time. Why should we consider Jews to be "similar" or "the same" as Christian when they reject the most fundamental beliefs and teachings that Christians follow?
Islam is closer to Christianity than Judaism
Roman Catholics who non Roman Catholic zionists call heretics tend to claim Jews, Christians and Muslims worship one and the same God but Roman Catholics are the most correct in their knowledge about that God
I would ask them do Muslims worship the same god as Christians
If they say no I would ask them why they believe that
Once they give one answer I would ask them if they have any additional reasons for why they believe that
Once I get their list of reasons then I would ask if the same reasons they listed apply to Jews
This is similar to what you said but they might not believe the trinity or believe that belief in the trinity is essential
They might say of course the Jews do not worship the same god they were sown in unbelief according to the Bible but when Jesus comes again they will believe in him as Romans 9 says all Israel will be saved
Some zionists before make it about bloodline not religion
That is why it is important to point out that Palestinians are the descendants of the old testament Judeans and Israelites to a greater extent of percent ancestry than Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews
Islam does not disagree with what the Christian Church of the East teaches in that
1 God has no biological mother
2 God has no biological son
3 God has no wife
4 God does not have a created body but is uncreated & eternal
5 God is not a trinity / triunity of three human bodies a biological Father, a Wife / biological mother & a biological Son
The Church of the East teaches that Jesus human nature is not divine & that his divine nature is not human & both natures are united
Muslims instead of saying God is not the trinity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit / Ghost
Replace the Holy Spirit with a woman who is a wife / mother and call it a triunity then deny the triunity
@ProfessionalNEET @houseoftolstoy @BowsacNoodle
What is the difference between Myaphysitism and Dyophysitism?
@shortstories @ProfessionalNEET @houseoftolstoy @BowsacNoodle word magic judge them by their actions and be judged by yours to many words is deception just like in math simplify the equation break the spell
@ProfessionalNEET @houseoftolstoy @shortstories @BowsacNoodle “The kid was heard”
@ProfessionalNEET @houseoftolstoy @shortstories @BowsacNoodle the fuck you talking about?
Muhammad personally knew a Christian from the Church of the East and explicitly rejected the teachings of the Oriental Orthodox & the predecessors of the Eastern Orthodox & Roman Catholic Churches that were calling the Church of the East heretical for it's refusal to call Mary the mother of God
That is why Islam explicitly says God has no biological child nor biological parent nor spouse
& why they deny that God is a triunity of those 3 things
In my opinion