While I see US balkanization as a highly likely possibility, I think that it would require a full blown collapse to actually take place. I mean no electricity in some areas for an extended period of time collapse. There is too much sunken cost on transportation, supply chains, and government for it to just be gone easily. And that is not factoring in the government being completely opposed to any sort of separation.

Which means any "national divorce" is not going to happen.

@houseoftolstoy - I'm sort of banking on this outcome.

Reasons to expect it:
Electric and petro-energy infrastructure is complex and requires specialized knowledge. If you were to remove 10% of the population at random, the odds that infrastructure will endure, 🤔 seem very slim.

Govt is a thin veneer. They'd have their hands full trying to lock down the top 5 cities in the US, even with an intact power grid and full gas stations.

Our modern way of life is fragile like glass. 🫡


@YoMomz @houseoftolstoy @Zeb @dictatordave

Amish can survive without electricity but they can not survive without modern fuel that they do not know how to make

"Many Amish use gasoline engines to power appliances such as washing machines, as well as farm and woodworking apparatus."


Your best bit is to join the Amish but that is not good enough because they are prepared for no more electricity but not for no more gasoline

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@shortstories @YoMomz @houseoftolstoy @Zeb @Tfmonkey push comes to shove you can get around a lot of this with steam engines and belt drives

not saying its easy, but things did exist before gas engines

@dictatordave @houseoftolstoy @Tfmonkey @YoMomz @Zeb

I do not think enough people will be around who know how to manufacture steam engines, or anything made out of metal wjth a chosen shape

Metal Smithing is a lpst art

Did Amish use steam engines

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