@Tfmonkey convinced me. I just bought HeroQuest for $50 brand new. Looking forward to playing!

Guys, if you have a moment, instead of watching tons of tv or playing videogames nonstop this summer, take a chance and try something new. Go to the library. I've been learning how to care for cows, learning Russian through Memrise, playing bass, & took a $5 4-session fencing class for beginners.

*Side note -- dueling a left-handed swordsman is completely different than a southpaw boxer. It's freaky!

@RoninGrey I always want to learn new things that's keep me busy. But sometimes I must force myself because I often learn or read something on the internet and forget what I was doing.

I use duolingo for German Russian Spanish Arabic Chinese Japanese and Korean

And I have books on programming so far had no time to start even sometimes I watch videos or some websites.

Plan to read my country some laws to find loopholes to use but the shit is so boring to read😩


@Stahesh @RoninGrey

Indonesian looks like it would be easier than Korean

I do not know of any other foreign language to study easier than Korean other than Indonesian

Every time I try to study some other language than Korean it looks discouragingly a lot more difficult

Indonesian is easier than Korean for native English speakers because it has a similar word order to English and is written with English letters and it might not have different conjugations based on honor / politeness status

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