@VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey
What happens after the do you believe in hierarchy box?

I would suggest that morality is both absolute and relative

It is relative based on your goals

But absolute once you set your goals

The universe functions in a certain physical manner

This leads to certain physical consequences for actions

This leads to an objective morality if you want consequences to be a certain way


@VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey

Since if you do not live in a community where other people practice NAP you are pretty much dead or a slave

If you do not want to be enslaved you essentially have to choose to be in a community that believes something similar to the non agrression principle ( NAP ) while also choosing to live by the non agrression principle because the community will punish you for violation of it ending your freedom

But no such community exists so that leads to problems with this idea

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