You frequently mention certain hormones being released during sex
What if people just started taking those drugs without having sex as a common medical practice where such drugs could be over the counter or an easily available common prescription treatment?
Could the motivation for sex other than reproduction then be greatly reduced in society?
@shortstories @Tfmonkey It's called Heroin, fentanyl, just go snort shoot or smoke it
@Scubbie @shortstories any drug that simulates the dopamine of sex will be incredibly addictive and cause people to become junkies.
Yes, nature made sex "addicting" so that men will put up with women's bullshit.
The government could give an unlimited number of free pills per person with warnings about not taking too many and it would quickly eliminate those who choose to take too many and do not listen to the warnings leaving only those with high intelligence and good impulse control left alive without directly murdering anyone but only providing the tools for accidental suicide of those who do not listen to the warnings