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“This is his servant… That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew.”

“Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat… That is why gentiles were created.”

— Weekly Saturday night sermon in October 2010

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“Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel.”

“In Israel, death has no dominion over them… With gentiles, it will be like any person – they need to die, but [God] will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money.

“Statistically, Canadian Jews were more than 10 times more likely than any other Canadian religious minority to report being the target of hate crime,” Fogel said. “This is alarming.”

to report being the target

In other words Jews are more likely to claim they are the victim of a hate crime

Canadian minister denounces diversity consultant for antisemitic tweets
Laith Marouf, who has a history of antisemitic and xenophobic tweeting, was hired to consult on an anti-racism strategy for Canadian broadcasters

This rabbi wants the Jewish community more involved in boardroom battles for social justice

It is not the religious Jews it just people who happen to be Jewish in seats of power in board rooms

Except the religious Jewish clergy tells the Jews in board rooms what to do so it is the religious Jews that are the problem

The Ra’avad and the Kuzari, the Maharal and the Ramchal, Rav Kook and Rav Charlap, the Ari and the Ramak, Rav Chaim Vital, the Tanya, Rav Tzadok HaCohen and the Midrash Shmuel all stated in the same manner — the Gentiles are considered similar to beasts, lacking the complete G-dly image

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What arises from all the aforementioned is that in the words of the Prophets, and also in the words of our Sages OBM, the Gentiles are thought of as animals."

"we have seen that the status of the Gentiles in Halacha is similar to that of animals in many respects, and generally speaking, there is no real distinctions made between them"

“for the Gentiles are like animals…and one who thinks of them as something [worthwhile] will gather the wind in his fist.”

Bill Gates wife looks like Kevin Kline

Bill Gates wife looks like Robin Williams

A Jew is not allowed to steal from a gentile, but if a gentile shopkeeper unwittingly gives a Jewish customer more change than was due to him, the Jew is under no obligation to inform the gentile and can thereby profit from the shopkeeper’s mistake, though this wouldn’t be allowed if the shopkeeper were Jewish.[6]

"four states—Hawaii, New Mexico, West Virginia and Wyoming—do not have laws that formally prohibit sexual abuse of animals"

I think there was a woman on YouTube who said she did that and then complained that men who found out would not date her, but why was she never in jail was she from one of those four states?

This is what the Orthodox Jewish text Sanhedrin 53b says

"Rav Yosef says: Come and hear a resolution from a mishna (Nidda 44b): A girl who is three years and one day old whose father arranged her betrothal is betrothed with intercourse, as the legal status of intercourse with her is that of full-fledged intercourse."

This is what the Orthodox Jewish text Yevamot 63a says

And Rabbi Elazar said: What is the meaning of that which is written: “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh” (Genesis 2:23)? This teaches that Adam had intercourse with each animal and beast in his search for his mate

In the case of a Jew and a gentile who approach the court for judgment in a legal dispute, if you can vindicate the Jew under Jewish law, vindicate him, and say to the gentile: This is our law. If he can be vindicated under gentile law, vindicate him, and say to the gentile: This is your law. And if it is not possible to vindicate him under either system of law, one approaches the case circuitously, seeking a justification to vindicate the Jew.

Bava Kamma 113a:21

Rabbi Yehuda says: One may collect repayment of debts from them because this causes the gentile distress.

Avodah Zarah 2a:1

And Rabbi Yoḥanan says: A gentile who engages in Torah study is liable to receive the death penalty

Sanhedrin 59a:2

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A club for red-pilled exiles.