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I saw some anarchists on their way to a protest. It was about 5 fat kids and they had taped red crosses on their black hoodies, must have been "street medics." It looked like a high school band on their way to a midnight horror movie.

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The opposite of black lives matter is not all lives matter

The opposite of black lives matter is not white lives matter

The opposite of "black lives matter" is "black lives do not matter"

I am not saying whether or not whatever lives matter or do not matter

I am simply explaining what what is the opposite of what

There's multiple viking runestones in America that predate the injuns

It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong

They just do not mention the evidence instead of refuting it

When people send letters to the IRS asking about it

They do not explain the evidence as being misunderstood but just do not mention it

What Happened to 861?

Larken Rose



They basically claim a large army will gather to attack Israel and the Jews will hide in Petra and then God will send down fire and or a biological eye & face melting plague to kill all the countries in the world that attack Israel

Then Jesus will appear to them and they will accept Jesus

They base this on misunderstanding

Romans 9
Zechariah 12
Ezekiel 38

I do not believe this but this is my understanding of what I heard them say

Whether or not the Bible is true they are wrong

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You have no idea.

There's a "car fire season" where one or two cars catch fire in the city every day and just burn down. They had coolant leaks or similar problems that were just barely drivable most of the year... until the "hot" month of summer hits. It's not even ultra hot or anything (95F, no humidity), it's just barely over the edge for the shitty cars.

You can look out over the city and see the random plume of black smoke for like half an hour until it burns out or the bomberos get there.

I oppose the zionist so called Christians

But if I understand you correctly you said they claim that they want a bunch of Jews to die in a war over Israel so Jesus can come back

Some would not phrase it that way

They claim when Jesus comes back a bunch of Jews will receive Jesus as Lord and Savior and admit they were wrong about rejecting him

They claim God will save the Jews when they are attacked by last minute supernatural intervention

Might claim some might die in the process

If they do “assassinate President Trump,” which is always a possibility, I hope that America obliterates Iran, wipes it off the face of the Earth — If that does not happen, American Leaders will be considered “gutless” cowards!

words of

Donald J. Trump

at realDonaldTrump

truthsocial dot com

Wow... So Trump just posted a video on Truth Social of Netanyahu saying Iran was behind the assassination attempt. And get this, Trump wrote that there's a possibility that Iran might assassinate him and if that happens, the US must obliterate Iran and wipe it off the face of the Earth!

But please keep telling me this assassination attempt wasn't staged and Trump isn't in on it.

Imagine there is some group trying to enslave or genocide everyone in your group because of your ancestry which you can not change

Then someone outside that group says that group is ok because they have managed to maintain a higher population growth rate and they are patriarchal

So the person outside that group is OK with being enslaved as long as it is by an outside group that is patriarchal enough and has a high enough birth rate

@JeffTheJoker @shortstories Now we need to pass laws against jews . Sonce they have laws against.

With regard to robbery, the term permitted is relevant, as it is permitted for a Jew to rob a gentile

Sanhedrin 57a

With regard to bloodshed, if a gentile murders another gentile, or a gentile murders a Jew, he is liable. If a Jew murders a gentile, he is exempt.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.