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Say what you want about the babarian, but this part of his letter is undeniably true 🤣

“(vi) You are a nation that exploits women like consumer products or advertising tools calling upon customers to purchase them. You use women to serve passengers, visitors, and strangers to increase your profit margins. You then rant that you support the liberation of women.”

- Excerpt from Osama Bin Laden’s “Letter To America”

Full Text:​

.. #osamabinladen #lettertoamaerica #tiktok #osama #nineeleven #worldtradecenter #wtc #terrorism #waronterror #hooters #sluts#redpill

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Boeing 747 can weigh almost a million pounds.

Nikki is case for why females should not be Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces 🤣.

This crazy lazy just wants to start a war with , Lebanon, and China, at once 🤣

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So, nothing to celebrate afterall.
Google ditched their Web DRM plans for desktop only to cram into Android Webview.
So, goodluck using banking apps in the future on LineageOS.
*Also, this means Google will just silently bring back Web-DRM shit back in the near future*

.. ..

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Going to open a gym that just plays dark sythwave beats on the sound system with random dragon ball z clips on the TVs
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When we're as surrounded by streaming platforms as we are now, it's easy to forget that the DRM-free life still exists. Even now, there are dozens of record labels, publishers, and online retailers that refuse to abuse their customers. Learn about them in the Guide: #EndDRM #DRM

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Another psychotic plot by and a to destroy a guy's life with false allegations goes unpunished.

Tito and AJ created a plan to ruin Inquisitor's reputation. "The plot to forge false allegations against began in mid to late September when Tito and his minor girlfriend, AJ, began exchanging texts like these,"...

.. ..

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Hypothetical Scenario

Everyone in the world will know which button you push 24 hours later

You have to press exactly one of the two buttons in the next 168 hours or you will die

These buttons are on a portable device that only works for you and you can activate this device anywhere in the world you travel to

Button 1 Removes the right for all women in the world to vote but does not change any other voting laws

Button 2 Does not change voting laws

Which button do you press?
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How Google Stopped the Red Wave

The power of Ephemerial Experiences to manipulate elections

“But we were capturing, aggregating, and analyzing the content that Google and other companies were sending to the computers of our field agents, so we could accurately estimate how many go-vote reminders #Google was sending to liberals, moderates, and conservatives. In all, in the weeks leading up to the 2022 midterms, we preserved more than 2.5 million of those persuasive ephemeral experiences. When we used similar methods to monitor content being sent by tech companies to voters before the 2020 presidential election, we found that Google was sending fewer go-vote reminders to #conservatives than to moderates and #liberals. Targeted messaging of this sort is a blatant manipulation that can, on Election Day in a national #election in the United States, generate 450,000 extra votes for the favored candidate.”

.. #govote #vote #midterms #redwave #usmidterms #election2020 #elections2024 #biden2024 ..

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Oh shit!
Imagine my shock. Jada Pinketh Smith, the great cheating whore turned out to be a psychopath.
Will got fucked over 😂

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.