
@Tfmonkey Remember your original prediction about israel being flattened and them all coming to the west? Cancel that. They want to move all the niggers and mudslimes to the west instead.

That's the problem with israeli tourists having undue influence over our government. Their primary concern is their precious faggot homeland. Everyone else is just a landfill to them.

@Tfmonkey okay so they really are plotting to bring in more mudslimes. Same campaign happening in the UK now as guy gets arrested for posting video about seeing palestinian flags everywhere.

@ButtWorldsMan They'll flee to the West after Israel comes under attack from their neighbors. Right now there are a few rocket attacks, but everyone is biding their time.

@Tfmonkey Just don't expect a mass expulsion of muslims from the west. There's too many of them here. They'll have to play a long game of deport the extremes bit by bit. Best case scenario.

Worst case scenario is muslims burn everything down.

@ButtWorldsMan You underestimate what they will do when they aren't afraid of losing elections. Remember all the strings they pulled during COVID?

They can deport all the Muslims if they really wanted to, and all normal groups that would normally come to the Muslims aid and cry "racism" will be strangely silent because it benefits Jews.

@Tfmonkey I'll take that bet. Mass draconian deportation of muslims from US? Not gonna happen.

I will happily bet on this. Will send superchat if it happens.

@ButtWorldsMan I'm not betting money. I just think that's what will happen because it's what I would do if I were them.

@Tfmonkey I don't expect money back. It's for fun either way.

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey

If all the fake Jews moved to Israel and they deported everyone else out of Israel

I would be 100% ok with that as long as all the fake Jews leave all the other countries in the world

It would be an improvement

I do not know what you have against black people

When they are not under the influence of the counterfeit Jews they behave much better

I would rather have a person with overt obvious violence who can be arrested then a sneaky person in my neighborhood

@mrhorsetwat @Tfmonkey No, because I know for a fact you're not there because your mom wants you to lose weight. You're eastern european. You're there to parasitize off western wealth. Why else would you be there?

@ButtWorldsMan @Mike_Microwave I want 40 quadrillion beheaded jewish babies and even that wont be enough

@ButtWorldsMan if Israel wins they will send all the Arabs to the west and call us racist while they themselves murder them indiscriminately. However, if Israel loses (and Iran/Hezbollah find their dick) then Jews will flee to the West for safety and deport all the Muslims.

@Tfmonkey So you say. Israel dick flattening seems doubtful.

@Tfmonkey @ButtWorldsMan Did Halsey mention how many Israelies have dual citizenship?

@marlathetourist @ButtWorldsMan I assume almost all of them do. Israeli citizenship is free simply for being Jewish, so if you're Jewish, why not get a second passport/citizenship "just in case"?

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