
A stabber of peace killed children in ireland today. The potatoes are pissed. This comes at a time when "far-right" candidates keep winning and Israel wants to send all the dirty palestinian mudslimes to the west.

The tides are shifting.

*nationalism intensifies*

The so-called "far right" are just going to keep winning, aren't they?


As Keith & Nick point out in this recent X stream, the mass Jew-Pilling means they have pretty much no way out of their mess.

They kike-bossed too close to the sun and they're shit out of alliances.


Because Jews have completely lost the global PR war, some say these "attacks" are just Mossad false flags intended to whip up anti-muslim hate.

If we suddenly start seeing a rash of attacks in European countries, especially if they target kids, then yeah, I'll buy that.

@UncleIroh Doesn't make sense. They want to export mudslimes to europe. Making people hate them won't help israel. They'll just be more nationalist, not pro israel. Also, the globalist regime gets really assmad when anti-mudslime nationalists get elected. See Netherlands.


You've made the classic mistake of trying to make sense.

Making people hate mudslimes is just a way to take focus away from themselves, even temporarily. Plus, it's fun for them.

It doesn't have to make sense.


They're still a family-first nation. Plenty of large Catholic families left in Potato-Land. The Irish have zero chill for kid killers or colonization.

@ButtWorldsMan according to Israeli laws of war, the Irish get to murder 10,000 immigrant civilians and level their neighborhoods.

@Tfmonkey here's something from today.

Also it was mentioned elsewhere that all these people (Milei, Wilders, Trump) have a weird, identifiable hairstyle. Get you a hairstyle that makes the government quake in fear.

@Tfmonkey @ButtWorldsMan the abacus was invented either by the Aryans or by the Semitic society. They probably used the dust abacus.
Ashes to ashes dust to dust how you count Jew to Goy deaths is a must

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