@ButtWorldsMan idk why people ask bitches anything at all about anything at all, even subjects they should allegedly know something about.

@RoninGrey @ButtWorldsMan

I'm convinced that the sex robot revolution is going to change men at least as much as social media has changed women.

Women have no idea what's coming - a tidal wave of male disinterest that they cannot cope with.

@UncleIroh @RoninGrey @ButtWorldsMan That's the hope anyway there's a dwarven fanatic on minds convinced it will solve the world's problems, the same way a government looks at a hammer & everyone is a nail.

@fal1026 @ButtWorldsMan @RoninGrey

It won't solve the world's problems, just create new ones like technology does every time.

I remember when the internet was coming out of the modem era and everyone was like "Hi-speed internet is going to solve all the world's problems as people connect and learn and understand like never before yadda yadda .."

"5 minutes later"

Biblical levels of gleeful racism, tiddies, rape threats and bloodsports. The funniest, most epic failure of prediction.

@ButtWorldsMan @UncleIroh @RoninGrey Between this guy & the other MSM meme(forgot his name)where Tim pool regularly reminds people that other people tell him "if you do the opposite of every piece of advice he gives you about the market, you can't go wrong."
@ButtWorldsMan @RoninGrey @UncleIroh When normies understand Bitcoin is tied to how much the government is hated it makes cents.

@ButtWorldsMan @fal1026 @RoninGrey


He's kind of right, but only in a Mr Magoo "by accident" way IMO.

There will be money to be made next year in BTC, but not for long. I see this as an opportunity for TradFi to get their pump n dump moves on.

Maxi's only see number go up and ignore the serious dangers of having massive BTC consolidation in a few Wall St ETFs. A BlackCock spot-ETF is not a good thing.

They have their hands on a money printer ffs, bankrupting miners will be easy.

@fal1026 @ButtWorldsMan @RoninGrey

You must be talking about that clown Jim Cramer, he's a living meme for sure. HONK!

@sardonicsmile @ButtWorldsMan @UncleIroh @RoninGrey I just heard he's a retard that people allowed to LARP as an expert.
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