@ButtWorldsMan Do You really think people Care about Religion in this age?

@ButtWorldsMan Well the article You posted Is talking about México they don't Care.

@ButtWorldsMan nothing good will come from this chick. Ugly Mr.Burns looks like a vulture.

@RodrickSage @ButtWorldsMan If Mexico is going to have a real shitty birthrate too there are enough Africans For the US and Europe????


business as usual
the cartels are stronger than the government

@ButtWorldsMan the commentor doesn't understand: those ARE the Mexican flags now.

@Mike_Microwave @ButtWorldsMan
They don't need to hide it. It's a display of force, planting the conqueror's flag on public tv.

@ButtWorldsMan How tf did the Mexican cartels let this shit happen? Did the Jewish mafia whack em or some shit?

Shit doesn't make sense...

@ButtWorldsMan Is this US payback for Bricks? IIRC Mexico was entertaining the idea a year ago. It literally has the fake and GAE flags in the pic.

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