
Have any of the waifu lovers played Bloodborne?

The Plain Doll is a clear candidate to be a waifu for people. She is literally a doll, and she says things like this, "Hunters have told me about the church. About the gods, and their love. But... do the gods love their creations? I am a doll, created by you humans. Would you ever think to love me? Of course... I do love you. Isn't that how you've made me?"

Maybe people could get more used to the idea of a doll and a waifu using her analogously?

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@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey Gehrman's actual doll is in the Abandoned Workshop, and he's long dead. The Plain Doll in the Hunter's Dream is intended for the Hunters since Gehrman is basically a shade in the Hunter's Dream given how he disappears and reappears in the garden or not at all sometimes.

An argument could be made that the Plain Doll is Gehrman's but I'd argue that it's sufficiently vague such that people could make her a waifu.

Regardless, I appreciate the input.

@DoubleD she's a good waifu, but she belongs to someone else, and even if he offered to share her with you, that's gross.

@DoubleD Not all creations are to be loved some are just tools, useless things, byproducts or waste.

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