@Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic
@UncleIroh @ButtWorldsMan @mrhorsetwat @MrpoopyButhole This just dropped from FreedomToons yesterday.
It's parody, but everything they said is 100% correct. They even say women shouldn't vote and should go back to the kitchen.


Transwomen are better than Cis women! This proves that the right including certain Trad Caths know that women's empowerment is the problem.

@Tfmonkey @VooDooMedic @UncleIroh @ButtWorldsMan @mrhorsetwat @MrpoopyButhole Everyone in the comments section is joking about "I identify as..." but not a single person asked if any of the points that transwomen are better than cis women were wrong. Everyone is either too stupid to recognize that it's true or they don't want to recognize it.


They don’t get it because they think it's a “misogynistic” joke.

Look blue-pilled these comments are.

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