Interesting development since starting my 1 meal a day "diet".

It's been about 2 months or so, and I recently decided to take my first "cheat day" and get some ice cream, and normally ice cream is my weakness. I would really miss ice cream when dieting.

So I bought some ice cream and it was nothing special. It just tasting my cold sugary frozen milk, which I realize that's what it is, but I didn't enjoy it.

I think my microbiome has been altered, which I wasn't expecting to happen.


@Tfmonkey I wonder how much of that is psychological. You build something up in your mind you haven't had in a while, but when you do it doesn't beat the expectation you created

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@Mike_Microwave @Tfmonkey it is not psychological, it is legit real, I have been there where you go on a diet and then you cheat wich some dessert and notice that it tastes bad or atleast not as good as it used to.

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