This government would rather give Boomers their fucking social security and niggers welfare than actually fund science and advance the country. There is so many new world-changing discoveries and they go nowhere because there’s no funding and the media doesn’t cover it. And no one cares.
All these fucking people will bitch about healthcare this and surgeries that, but will be a roadblock to actual progress like CRISPR therapies, stem cells, and anthrobots. Fuck this society.
@Mr_Mister Humans already reach peak of tecnological advances The next step Is mix flesh with machine AND to be honest I am not fan of that.
>Humans already reach peak of tecnological advances
People always say this and they're always wrong. You just have normalcy bias trust me there are many great breakthroughs to come
@basedbagel @VeganMGTOW @Mr_Mister
There should be no taxpayer funding to social security and no taxpayer funding to science research nor academia
NASA was science research money welfare for a moon landing that did not happen
COVID 19 vaccines was science research money welfare for COVId 19 that does not exist
Then there is science research money welfare to stop people from exhaling CO2 to fight global warming
Science research welfare encourages fake science
@shortstories @basedbagel @VeganMGTOW I want you all to watch this video and try not to be filled with hope and joy.
@basedbagel I started crying just a little bit cuz I’m just so happy. But then I remember Al l the bullshit going on and it turns into depression and rage
No tears left to cry after the vax but I feel the SAME way.
Just remember not every country is with the bullshit.
When Im filled with rage I workout or I repeat my plan to myself in my head.
1. Get money 💰
2. Pay off debt
3. Leave the U.S. in the dust
🖕 everything and everyone else until the mission is complete.
Everyone isn't gonna make it but still have time to save ourselves and never look back