
My apprentice said his cousin could get me mushrooms should I get them?


Probably a government agent to throw you into jail

Might accidentally get poisonous mushrooms instead of edible mushrooms

People tend to make more bad decisions in the same amount of time under the influence of drugs more than when not under the influence of drugs

If you want mushrooms buy the legal edible ones at a store

It is very difficult and takes high level skill to avoid the poisonous ones if you get them anywhere else

Mushroom identification certification takes years


What if Feds voted yes to trick you into going to jail by following their advice?

@Stahesh @shortstories I never did no mushrooms but I was subjected to LSD on several occasions but n my youth ,I don’t consider this necessarily a bad thing,I actually think it is the reason why I am enlightened,not a hippie I am a total dirt head alcohol fueled redkneck but I would be a Normie pledge allegiance to the flag patriots sucking on Trump cum,but I see thru bullshit now maybe I was Psyopped on the streets but I know for sure I don’t see the world like you faggots do

@shortstories I don’t fear Jail,But my first ex wife tried to give me some mushrooms from Washington state when she came back to visit her son that she left me to raise,and Because I was a responsible Father I refused,would I have gone to jail for doing mushrooms?No,was I afraid she would poison me?No,I was walking with the Jesus at the time and raising my son,so I was on High Morale ground,fuck the feds I think the Jesus is tell by me to do mushrooms now







Pharmakeia in the Bible is translated as witchcraft or sorcery or some sort of drug abuse thing and is said to be something not to do

But you say Jesus the most foundational person of the new testament who is called God in some of it's books wants you to do mind altering drugs

@Scubbie You're already wacky enough, stop tempting fate.

@Mongoliaboo Wacky is subjective but I appreciate your point of view

@Scubbie - I've had mushrooms on 3 occasions.

1. 18yo. They were fun, with visuals and general trippiness. I was too young to appreciate their depth.

2. 26yo. I got a bag and everyone said "be careful!!". So I took bits and bites over the course of days... and I got bupkus. Very underwhelming.

3. 41yo. Hoo-boy! These were done in a conscious effort to deal with some very heavy emotional shit. It was an ugly trip, but it did a world of good. ➡️

@Scubbie - ➡️ I was with a guy who was sober, and has turned out to be a best friend. (If ever there was a doubt, this night proved it.)

I definitely needed a sober babysitter to keep me from getting arrested, or jumping off any bridges. The night started giddy & fun - like alice in wonderland shit. Then it took a brutal turn. But I made a lot of progress toward peace by the end of it - very therapeutic.

@Scubbie - I recommend a natural setting... 🤔 Camping would be ideal. Artificial lights and human interaction with strangers and various passersby, is a recipe for disaster.

If you have anyone who can be a babysitter - keep you out of trouble, and talk you through any crazy emotional/PTSD shit that might crop up.. I would recommend that too. You may owe them a huge favor afterward. 😅

But I say: fuck it. Go for it. Take at least a big cap (I took 2.5 at 41yo - wasn't gonna miss that train). 😎👍🍻

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