@Tfmonkey It should be simple enough, but sexually confused young men don't seem to wrap their head around it. BTW man how are you doing? Listening to Saturday's show you mentioned you could be getting sick.

@Tfmonkey Last week I had an annoying cold and really shitty sinus. Actually never had been this sick in 3 years.

@Tfmonkey Lol.

Straight women looking at this chart be like, "huh?"

@Tfmonkey I guess this solves the age old question are traps gay

@Tfmonkey This reminds me, the number one difference from sex in biology is the size of the gametes.

Males are usually small; females are usually large.

Don't tell people who don't like this kind of information.

@Tfmonkey Agreed. I'm not sure why there is such resistance to this. Perhaps, they are ashamed of being homosexual?

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