
Well, I think I figured out why I can't lose these last 20 lbs. It's basically my insomnia and that (due to working from home) I'm sitting at my computer too much. Even exercising and calorie restriction isn't enough.

I need to figure out how to take more walks and will probably have to go back on my lions mane mushroom to deal with my insomnia again.

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@ButtWorldsMan yeah, that's what I'm worried about. I think things will slow down as we enter the holiday season though, so being productive won't be that important.

After New Year, things will get busy again, but if I can lose these last 20 lbs I'll be golden heading into 2024.

@Tfmonkey I have too efficient metabolism so if I want to lose weight I need to fast for 48 hours and most of the fat is lost during sleep.

For people with too efficient is better to have large gap between meals.

Because if not. Body will learn how to use the routine to make more fat.

Another option is to change your energy source and burn only fat. Be it keto or carnivore.

DON'T Make These Mistakes When Trying to Boost Your Metabolism

@Tfmonkey offcourse sleep is important. Are you sure you don't have narcolepsy due to the anthrax shot in the army?

@viatorem It's just hard to turn my brain off without meditation or using supplements like lions mane mushroom.

@Tfmonkey Take care! I remember reading that 10% of the soldiers who got the anthrax shot died or had a serious post vax reaction. It was a huge lawsuit back in the say.

@viatorem Yeah, I will probably die prematurely because of it.

@Tfmonkey I hope not. And if so, you might as well enjoy the decline. I get the impression, that you have the weight of the world on your shoulders.

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