Calling all gays of MGTOW.
We are mostly straight here, which isn't surprising given that most of us are here through dealing with shitty women.
I look at my old blue-pilled simp ways and also the way some young guys carry on with women, and it's like being an ex-alcoholic watching a room full of drunks.
Since faggots can never be glamored by pussy, is there a general gay view on female nature?
Genuinely interested in answers.
Sounds like an invitation to explore a potentially interesting point of view to me.
If you want a more disturbing think tank
There are some men that probably are voluntarily celibate because they are exclusively attracted to certain age groups but consider having any sort of relationship unethical and or illegal in the age group they are exclusively attracted to
And so choose not to have any sort of relationship with women at all
There are also priests and monks that are attracted to women but choose not to have relations with them
There are actually a lot of priests that have relationships with adult women even though it is forbidden in the largest branch of the Ultramontane Roman Catholic religion but you do not hear about it on the news because it is not against United States law but only against the laws of that branch of Catholicism
I would suspect that men who are exclusively attracted to an age group that they consider illegal or unethical would have a very different outlook on women if they choose not to have relationships with women and have no criminal record
They would notice the stupid things men do to get popular with women while they themselves would not try to earn popularity with women
So bisexual men are homosexual but are they still more controlled by women then exclusively homosexual men
How is the bisexual view of women's place in society different than the exclusively homosexual view of women
Not my question and not interested in yours. If you want that discussion start your own thread and stop polluting mine. The scope of my question was clearly stated.
If your're MGTOW and straight then shut the fuck up. Not asking you.
Didn't listen, too long. Go fuck yourself.
@UncleIroh reminds me of this stardusk stream awhile back, where he interviewed a gay man’s perspective of women.
Appreciated my dude. I'll listen to that.
That was exactly what I was after, thanks.
@UncleIroh yeah basically, gay men typically are friends with straight women a lot because they share some interests and can bond with them emotionally. Since straight men don’t want to hang out with gay men typically, gay men either hang out with each other or with mostly women. He also pointed out later in the stream, that gay men are more hyper aware of a shift in specific tone changes in women’s voices when they’re trying to get men to do things for them.
What got me thinking about it was the fact that there are roughly 2 types of men who totally immune to women's sexual power - gays and asexuals. Pussy power just doesn't work on them and they don't give a shit either way.
They live and work with sexually active women all the time but the world must look very different to them compared to a staight guy who has to control his urges around women.
I would think their POV on female nature might be worth hearing.
@UncleIroh well gay men have a sense of comrodery with women as they do associate with each other quite frequently. Feminine gay men hang out with women more than masculine gay men. I think Richard Dawkins in a video I remember pointed out one hypothesis that the “gay gene” never died out because, during hunter gather societies the men had to go out and hunt, but they couldn’t leave the women by themselves or with a heterosexual man, so they needed a gay man to watch the women.
That kinda has a ring of truth about it. Feminine men have always existed, just not in the numbers we see today (lots of water-borne, vaccine and food fuckery IMO and bucketloads of globohomo propaganda, but that's another story).
That Thinking Ape video you posted was interesting. Turns out that the interviewee and the comments agree that gay men mostly find straight women useful but annoying.
Or you can go fuck yourself with a cactus and then kill yourself , oxygen thief.
Make your whore mother proud, crawl into the nearest ditch and die.
Real lame. And blocked. I don't know if this is a joke post or a serious post.
@UncleIroh Judging by how most gays (especially bottoms) emulate women's behavior, I'd say they're favorable to female nature. To them it's probably a symbol of status and power over men, for they too wish they could be treated like an entitled princess who gets whatever she wants. There's little else they crave more.
They're also group thinkers that tend to be extremely subversive and greedy. In many ways, they're like Jews and they're definitely not straight men's allies.