@VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey does it mean a crash is coming?

Isn't green good and red bad?

(please forgive my orc-level understanding of the market)

@Lorgar @Tfmonkey basically the index is a measure of public sentiment and since its a volatility index the fact it's gone up over 100% in a day is a very bad sign last time this happened to this extent Russia went to war and the GFC of 2009 happened before that, I believe in my humble opinion that is the opening of a black swan event maybe tfm has some more information or details but patterns and history will tell is that this is very very bad

@VooDooMedic @Lorgar @Tfmonkey gold is also down. so this is just a shockwave. the money has nowhere to go, so markets will be soon green again. rate cuts will be announced next month. i spent all my cash on friday. i will be in the red today but in a month? i am betting i will be green.

@Lorgar @VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey nobody cares about real gold. except central banks and "survival" weirdos.

@Lorgar @VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey admitting you have a problem is the first step towards resolution :)

@VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey this was mostly caused by bank of japan. there was a lot of money borrowed that now needs to be returned so things will have to be shuffled in a big way. but it will settle soon. i mean, i bough intel on friday at 2021 price. that's not normal by any stretch of imagination and won't last. there will be a huge rebound soon. then add rate cut which is essentially guaranteed by now. things will rebound fast.

@Justicar @VooDooMedic it's an election year so the money printing and bailouts will begin soon. There is no way the Regime let's the markets and economy crash while a Democrat is in office and facing reelection.

@Tfmonkey @Justicar could it be that they finally hit the limit of the strings and bets are being called and bluffs are being exposed?

@DoubleD @VooDooMedic @Tfmonkey whatever gets them moving... this will be the last hurrah to make some money before it all starts to go to shit.

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