
I just missed a meeting with a client that if successful could have paid my rent for 2 months!

Why? I had right time but didn't realize they were in a different timezone so I was 3 hours off...

Moral of the story: Always double check your times AND time zones.

If anyone has any advice to keep track of this I'm all ears

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@basedbagel I bought a few clocks with large displays and set them to different timezones so that I can see what time it is in the UK and Australia at a glance.

@basedbagel here is a picture of my setup. I just bought the clocks on Walmart.

@Tfmonkey Simple yet so effective I'm a little embarrassed how much I was overthinking this.😅

I'm gonna get pick up a couple later on today

Thanks for sharing!

@basedbagel from what I can tell most people assume you know what time it is from where they're calling. It never crossed my mind until I had to actively translate

@Stahesh Thank you but my issue was that I didn't even think to check the timezone since I've never had a client that far from me before.

@basedbagel It can be hard because it is hard to know the unknown. You could ask but he could tell you that he is from far away.

@Stahesh It's all good he told me his timezone but I just didn't think to check it.

But TBH you can't get ahead in life without making some mistakes. At least I'm still working instead of procrastinating like I used to do.

@basedbagel Lesson learned. I'm sure you can reschedule, right?

@sardonicsmile Unfortunately not, I never got a response back.

It's alright though i just need to keep working and pay more attention next time.

@basedbagel idk... that sounds like they did not want to do business with you or it was a time sensitive project.
Between us... You might have been better off if you lied about some fake emergency or urgent matter that came up.
They way I see it, of someone does not want to do business with you, then *any* excuse will do.
Much like females. If they don't want anything more than time, attention, or money, from you, they will parry your advances and keep you in the friendzone.

@sardonicsmile Good point but I still have take full responsibility for making a preventable mistake.

The weather app on my phone also puts the time of day on it. So I use that, especially when I travel.

For desktops there are lots of free utilities out there that will put multiple clocks on your status bar. Also useful.
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