
I saw a video on twitter of a white bitch getting beat up by the bitter ex of the black guy she was dating.

Alot of guys were saying that's what she gets and calling her a mudshark (whatever that is) saying she betrayed her race and I'm confused.

Who gives a shit who a bitch fucked before you as long as she has no STDs?

Do you guys care?

I think they missed the point A bitch got her ass beat all they talked about was who she was fucking.

1. White women being beaten by their black boyfriend is a stereotype so that's hilarious.
2. Without even looking at what mudshark means, knowing hwites used it against a white woman for being with a black, it means she swims in dirty nigger water.
3. They're racists and they see white women as belonging to them. Blacks are also subhuman to them. She's dirty now. It's collectivist logic. You wouldn't understand if your brain can't empathize with that mentality.

@ButtWorldsMan @basedbagel And your penis will get the drips from her and you will have to go to Dr.Bigfinger as he checks your prostate while holding a slate of glass under your wee peker to get a sample .

Lol @Scubbie what did I tell you about bringing up freaky shit? Also I'm pretty sure I said as long as she has no STDs.


Are you memeing or is that a stereotype I'm not aware of?

TBH Idc who the bitch fucked just don't get me sick and be respectful.

I know plenty of white bitches who fucked all shades in college then got married to a white guy when they graduated.

Either she didn't tell the dude or he didn't care but it worked out fine

@basedbagel @ButtWorldsMan I was just expressing that #2 suggest Mud sharks as dirty diseased so your question condrdicts itself,she belongs to the streets and will be diseased and abused.I have been with girls from the streets and the kinda of women who have been molested in psyche wards sticking my dick in crazy street whores use to be a hobby,I am speaking from experience



Okay I see what you're saying now.

But street whores? You can do better.


1. I didn't know that was a stereotype.

2 &3 Explains everything thanks for the clear explanation I was so confused. 🙏

@basedbagel hah! Coomer doesn’t know what a mudshark is.
coomer is okay with holes Fucking nogs as long she’s didn’t catch, herp that according to cdc 50%+ nogs have. On top of all the other shit.
>who cares if your grrl was a cum dumpster for Jamal, Abdul, Chad, Guresh or Chang
>body count doesn’t matter.
You sound like those whores on FnF, Whatever. and other channels.
You’re a femoroid or a Jew ain’t ya. Eternal cucks.

Degen coomers like you get the roof. Sharia soon


Kiss my ass fake ass Muslim!


But you keep on coping about how nasty every race of whores but yours is. So smug and so naive! 😂

I'm not marrying a bitch so I don't care about who who she fucks.

"Degen coomers like you get the roof. Sharia soon"

And obese Braindead jootard incels like you get no bitches.

I wish you would try to throw me off a roof so I can do the world a favor in self defense and raise the median IQ.

@basedbagel this amount of seethe plus your other posts is how I know you’re a porn addicted coomer cuck.
And yes. All whammin are whores.. so do show where I,
>coping about how nasty every race of whores but yours is
Can you show me this cope? And what is my race since you claim, not muh cunts.
Plus laugh emojis.
Make your own shot in your brain and laugh at on your own farts
>obligatory body shaming. Plus Muh big guns talk.
You’re a cunt. As in you have a vagina.
Post fizeek


I'm glad you deleted that 1st post because it made no sense.

"I know you’re a porn addicted coomer cuck."

Nope you're just projecting but nice try.

"And what is my race"

This ones easy. Like all jootards youre an obese broke ass white person blaming Jews because you suck at life.

"obligatory body shaming."

No I'm just describing you. You ARE obese.

"Muh big guns talk. "
You threaten me, I respond. An eye for an eye.

"Post fizeek"

Im not doxing myself for a jootard faggot!

Cool reversal lol. Great pilpul.
U said; all wamynz are whores.. except mine.
No, I meant all wamen.. why I asked wtf is it?
>obese broke ass who blame da joos
Tiresome Jew cope and repeated response for decades. you outed yourself Moshe
Big talk for a boomer. Full of projection and feminine buzzwords And low T fags
And always;
Calls someone obese, ask for fizeek; Hurr durr I’m not doxing myself.
Boring pilpul
Rabbi sucked your dick and fucked u at Schvitz

@basedbagel most guys care if their girlfriend dated black guys because they don't want to know they're not the biggest dick she's ever had.

As someone with a fairly unimpressive dick, I've had to make peace with this. For most guys, you won't be the biggest dick or the best lover she's ever had unless you marry a virgin. She'll probably daydream about her ex while she's with you and there's nothing you can do about it.

It ultimately comes down to validation.

@Tfmonkey @basedbagel Don't step into a bucket without farmer boots bros. ;]

Always on the offensive when subjected to shaming attempts, works like a charm for me.
@Tfmonkey @basedbagel @Tfmonkey @basedbagel its not about dick size. black dick size is a myth. its about being spiritually tainted. its just gross to know she fucked a black guy. the same as its gross to know she used to be a prostitute.



"black dick size is a myth"

I think so too but I'm not gonna try to prove it 😂

"its about being spiritually tainted."

This one is new. How is she affected spiritually by fucking a black dudevs any other race?

"its just gross to know she fucked a black guy."

I see where you're coming from but I think it sucks to know she fucked ANY guy before me.

But I prefer not to think about it and live in the moment.

Life's to short to worry about who bitches fuck

@basedbagel @Tfmonkey @basedbagel @Tfmonkey 100 years ago it was common to think a woman was "used up" merely for not being a virgin. faminists have almost succesfully psyoped society into thinking its wrong to reject a woman for being a prostitute. no thanks. im not gonna be shamed into thinking my instincts are wrong. i dont need a rational justification for why i think its icky. its the way we felt for thousands of years and i believe that feeling is valid in and of itself.

@PapaPole @basedbagel When all women are sex objects, the only woman worth your love is an honest sex object.

@Tfmonkey @basedbagel I think you just have some sort of dick dysmorphia and are probably gay for niggers. Men don't want a gf that fucked niggers cause it means she is a gross whore and has something wrong with her. They are not thinking about if other men she fucked had bigger dicks before you.


"Most guys care if their girlfriend dated black guys because they don't want to know they're not the biggest dick she's ever had."

Idk if black guys actually have bigger dicks and I have no intention of finding out lol so I'll agree to disagree there.

"She'll probably daydream about her ex while she's with you and there's nothing you can do about it. It ultimately comes down to validation"

Makes sense. I never thought about it like that but now I'm a little concerned...

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