His Manifesto, as well as his other books, are worthy of examination.
Also, His brother is one of the worst traitors and should know no love from anyone who ever encounters him.
The man sold out his own brother for thirty pieces of silver in the form of a million dollar reward, at the urging of his snake of a wife. Few people deserve hatred as much as someone who would betray their kin like that.


If you're talking about the Unabomber idk man...

Dude had a great philosophy but killing random people is not cool.

The brother probably saved the lives of dozens of people so it's not really a betrayal.

If my brother was going around killing randos I'd tell the police too.



Maybe so but you can't just murder people because you don't agree with their philosophy and expect everyone to be okay with that.

All that bullshit he did and what changed?

Not a damn thing except he's in a cage forever and he embarrassed his family.

As smart as he was he could have just saved some shekels and left the US.

@basedbagel @Scubbie @sardonicsmile - "...you can't just murder people because you don't agree with their philosophy..."

I guess I gotta be that guy. 😅

I believe that you have just described war, sir. Uncle Ted's greatest sin, is that he lost his war.

I used to wonder what made war different from murder. 🤔 I'm not alone in deciding that ultimately, there is no difference.

Most see it as delegitimizing war. I see it as legitimizing murder. 💁🏻‍♂️🍻



@Scubbie @sardonicsmile
War /= random murder.

War is when 1 state of train soldiers fight another state of trained soldiers for resources.

Not when a nutcase murders unarmed civilians that he doesn't even know.

I know you like the guys philosophy but the problem isn't that he lost the "war". The problem is that he's a nutcase!

There was no endgame his murder spree so he couldn't be reasoned with.

At least when states to to war you can negotiate. You can't negotiate with crazies.


@YoMomz @sardonicsmile

Ubermensch my ass!

I didn't finish reading Nietzsche's work But I'm pretty sure it didn't just say kill random strangers if you're philosophy is based.

@basedbagel @Scubbie @sardonicsmile - "War ≠ random murder"

Eh, agree to disagree.

Why do people murder each other (random or not), and why do states go to war (and have throughout history & prehistory)? The reasons are the same: Resources, mating, vengeance, ideological differences, self-defense (real or perceived), etc.

A murder is easier to assign guilt for, because it's a single guilty party. But there's just as much guilt to be assigned for a war death. Every American bears ➡️

@basedbagel @Scubbie @sardonicsmile - ➡️ 1/330,000,000th of the guilt for every war death in the middle east. And every war death was a murder.

The only difference would be, that it was a murder that millions of people supported and cheered.

So for the big question: How wrong is murder? - depends on who you ask. But my opinion is: handle your business. And if I disagree with that strongly enough, then I'll be doing some murdering of my own, either in retaliation, or for preventive purposes.

@YoMomz @Scubbie @sardonicsmile

I'm sorry but I can't just let this slide.

Ted was not some virtuous guy.

He was murdering RANDOM people because of his philosophy with no goal in mind.

Murdering random people who did nothing to you is always wrong no matter who you ask.

The war in the middle east was stupid but at least they were going for resources.

Ted was just killing just to kill and he accomplished nothing in the end except making those who share his philosophy look crazy.

@basedbagel @Scubbie @sardonicsmile - It's a little funny. Because while I agree with his manifesto, I'm not specifically defending Ted here.

I'm simply equating murder and war. Ted was fighting a personal war.

@YoMomz @Scubbie @sardonicsmile

Random murder and war are not the same thing.

One has a clear objective and the other is just senseless killing that accomplished nothing.

Ted was not fighting a war, he was being a delusional menace killing random people for his crackpot ideas and in the end was as useful as a fart in the shower.

@basedbagel @YoMomz @sardonicsmile for 17 years he evaded law enforcement,when caught lawyers tried to get him to plead insanity,he was not insane and pleaded guilty,The fact that he tried to live off grid and away from society,but found it was impossible to be free lead him to seek out specific targets not random targets,he was different than a “random” shooter or stabb stab stab machete or knife weilder a mail bomber has a sense of randomness because package handlers can’t read a Fragile

@basedbagel @Scubbie @sardonicsmile - Well, it's a classic line: One man's terrorist, is another man's freedom fighter. 💁🏻‍♂️

@YoMomz @Scubbie @sardonicsmile

Here's where I hard disagree.

Every American is NOT guilty for death in the middle east.

1. The money to fund the war was taken from us at gunpoint, we didn't donate it to them

2. Most Americans don't have the power or say so to start or stop any conflict.

We're just cogs in the machine.

If I stopped paying my taxes in protest of wars, I'd just get arrested and the wars would continue anyway.

The situation sucks but its not on the everyday american

@basedbagel @Scubbie @sardonicsmile - Opinions on the justness of American war in the middle east, vary.

But if a bystander has any moral or ethical duty to stop a murder in progress, then a nation's populace has a duty to rise up and slay their leaders (if need be), in order to stop an unjust foreign war.

The American populace did not do that. So, they all share in the guilt of those wars - me, you, and every other American (assuming you're American here - forgive me if not). ➡️

@basedbagel @Scubbie @sardonicsmile - ➡️ At least, as much as any passive bystander does, with the power to stop a murder, who doesn't.

Hard times call for hard philosophies, and for hard moralities. I recommend a reevaluation in a spirit of well-wishing. 🍻

The alternative, sadly... Is becoming Balien from "Kingdom of Heaven".

Addendum for clarity: The American people share in the guilt of America's wars, because those wars were fought in our name. We had the power to stop it, and we didn't.

@basedbagel @Scubbie @sardonicsmile - Or alternatively, an American can renounce their allegiance.

I accept my 1/330,000,000th of the blame for the war deaths in my adult lifetime. It's sobering, but reality often is. I'm resolved to rectify things as much as I possibly can. And that's another approach.

For all this talk of justifying murder, (what's done, and yet to come) and accepting responsibility for war... one day I will have to answer to God. I will accept his judgement.

Cheers, mate.

@YoMomz @Scubbie @sardonicsmile

"One day I will have to answer to God. I will accept his judgement."

Indeed we all do.

You can blame yourself all you want but there really isn't much you could have done about it unless you have an army\nation of your own.

Only power checks power.

@YoMomz @Scubbie @sardonicsmile

"We had the power to stop it, and we didn't."

That sounds nice but we really don't.

If you get enough people then maybe you can but the individual american has no power in what wars we declare.

@YoMomz @Scubbie @sardonicsmile

A bystander doesn't have an ethical duty to stop a murder, they should just call the police.

We don't run our society of vigilante justice.. yet.

Americans are NOT guilty because in case you haven't noticed the people pulling the strings are not accountable to the people.


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