
I'm conflicted on the legalization of prostitution so I I'd like you guys opinion on this.

One one hand I morally oppose it as I've met hoes personally and they're broken, chaotic people who noone should be paying $$.

On the other hand modern dating is prostitution with extra steps and modern marriage is WORST than prostitution.

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@basedbagel The thing to keep in mind is that legality is what makes something moral in a democracy (and probably other forms of government that make it a point to usurp any competing faiths). So, there's no way to make something "legal" while also trying keep it "morally wrong".

@EvilSandmich I had a longer response disagreeing but in this Godless society I think you may have a point there.

@basedbagel Making prostitution illegal just drives it underground, making it way worse, however, it still necessary to keep them in check, otherwise lots of woman will just flock to it and ruin their lives. Back in the old days, women were kept under control thanks to patriarchy, but right now it's just not possible that way.
Ironically, in the US, prostitution is illegal and yet lots of women still have the body count of prostitutes.
I think real the problem is larger than prostitution.


>the problem is larger than prostitution.

Oh I agree it's much larger.

IMO since we've already gone full retard legalizing prostitution would help guys avoid and and all women who play games w/ men would come to an end.

@basedbagel Have for The Old dusty woman have an extra income but for young fertile woman shouldn't be an option since we can see what happens Now.


Noone is paying their hard earned $$ for some old dusty bitch lol.

I agree w/ you on young women but be honest, if you're still in the dating game like me, do they not act like prostitutes?

Why are we still paying for them if they work? Why do we by them a ring and get on 1 knee when all of the risk/burden is on us?

Things to think about.

@basedbagel Maybe for pensioners have their fun.

If you aren't having paying atention to this community Is build around we all agreed young fertile woman shouldn't be in the work place periot they belong to kitchen and the bed

@basedbagel - If I could wave a magic wand, I would do away with prostitution. But sadly, there is no magic wand.

Prostitution will always exist, and can never be extinguished. It's older than society itself.

So with that in mind, I would legalize it and regulate it. At the same time, I would take women's rights away. The prostitution workforce would be composed of otherwise unwanted women - women that no man would claim as theirs.

@ugly_bastard_reborned @Scubbie @YoMomz

Correction: Marriage is WORST

When you get married she can turn off sex at anytime and if you try to fuck her anyway it's marital rape and you go to jail .

Wanna fuck someone else? Lose 1/2 your assets and pay tribute in almimony or child support.

Wanna fuck a prostitutute?

They now consider it human trafficking and lock up the man on a felony charge and let the woman go as she's a "victim"

At leat with a prostutiute you get sex and she LEAVES

@basedbagel It's a bad mindset to have to have the government determine top-down how people should live their private lives.
That's what cause the society we're in today. Prostitution has never been a problem through all of history until retards started trying to legislate it.

@Zeb I agree with you in principle but just look at the current state of the west.

Is it not already prostitution with extra steps?

Why not just take away the extra steps?

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