@Tfmonkey @dander I think it's safe to say that if and when the bullets start flying we'll all know who cucked and who didn't.

@Tfmonkey @dander the watching and waiting chad vs the virgin jumping to conclusions

@Tfmonkey all i ever wanted is just get nuked and get this foreplay over with . is that too much to ask

@dander @Tfmonkey I dont understand why it is so crucial to start this war over ppl in palestine lousing their land, why does the bricks nations think they should go to war over this, they would be better off secretly funding any form of proxy groups against israhell so that it will weaken the US faster, the key here is to weaken the US in more long drawn out wars that dont go nuclear, the more they wait the weaker the US gets, there is almost no point to fighting just wait for US to fail.

@37712 @dander @Tfmonkey

because the fight over territory is just the surface reason.

sure, energy routes are also a part of it but make no mistake, this war is purely ideological.

it won't stop if Jews genocide the Palestinians and take their land.

@UncleIroh @dander @Tfmonkey I know that it wont stop there but with USA basically on life support it is only a matter of time before it collapses, why not just wait then push israhells shit in, what is the point of doing it now and with such openes, would have been better to just secretly fund israhell oposition

@37712 @Tfmonkey because usa is at its weakest cant even afford another war and also major division at home. perfect time to desimate usa

@dander @Tfmonkey ah, now there is a good reason right there, it is at its weakest and would have to fight a two front war and it gets real and then china invades taiwan then it expands in to a 3 war front and this would without a doubt destroy the JEWSA

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