Who's the stupid fucking fuck now, faggot? Hmm? What's that? I can't hear you on account of you being fucking dead.


You guys are such petty conspiracy theorists grasping for straws.

He clearly most likely died from the video games or 🍵

@basedbagel @marlathetourist @ButtWorldsMan @Mr_Mister @37712 @TenaciousGoat

Sometimes I wonder if all these tyrannical retards who wanted to take everyone's rights away - what thoughts did they have in their last moments?

Every single one of these shitheels probably panic-prayed to a God they never believed in, begged for forgiveness and cried like a bitch.

And each of them knew it was themselves to blame, no-one else. Maybe their words had killed others.



@UncleIroh @basedbagel @ButtWorldsMan @Mr_Mister @37712 @TenaciousGoat
These motherfuckers have no self awareness therefore they’re incapable of any meaningful self reflection. Fuck ‘em

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