
@VooDooMedic Can Jews try to not to turn us into cucks and eunuchs for 5 minutes?

@mrhorsetwat @VooDooMedic Yet society refuses to grant men the authority to remove the parasitic infestation
@VooDooMedic @TheMadPirate @mrhorsetwat I am sure the people that made Stargate knew about different realms
and the parasitic nature of Jews

Jews are definalaly the Gould
@charliebrownau @VooDooMedic @mrhorsetwat You can find jew like races in almost every fantasy and sci-fi setting. For example, in Forgotten Realms you can clearly see that the Drow race are the Jews.
@TheMadPirate @VooDooMedic @mrhorsetwat They insert themselfs into all sorts of tv series
since the created , ru n and control ((( Mainstream/scifi/hollywood)))
@TheMadPirate @VooDooMedic @mrhorsetwat If I had my way they would be

1 - all rounded up
2 - sent to a new created land island
3 - guilty trailed
4 - kept on the island for 500 years
5 - Give us time to rebuild our realm
and undo the damage
and contact people past the icewall
and other realms
to find out where

actually came from orginally
@charliebrownau @VooDooMedic @mrhorsetwat
> 2 - sent to a new created land island
> 4 - kept on the island for 500 years

They either will disguise themselves as "fellow white people" or they would seek a way to leave the Island.
How do we know that would happen?.
Because if they didn't enjoy meddling in other nations affairs they would all have moved to Israel , build an even bigger wall that the one they already have and live and keep quiet to themselves
@VooDooMedic @charliebrownau @mrhorsetwat the best part?
Elf "Sir, do you know my Daddy? He is a Jew who works in Hollywood "
Gut: "Kid, you just described literally everyone who works in Hollywood "

@mrhorsetwat @VooDooMedic trannies die super-fast because of all the hormones though

@Lorgar @VooDooMedic Not trannies, eunuchs or if before puberty is castratti.

@mrhorsetwat @VooDooMedic in case you did not know, this is 5th wave feminism, they want to kill men based on looks and testosterone levels. they plan to castrate all other men except a small handfull of cute beautiful men that will be user for breeding. they also plan on having sex with dogs and other animals.

@mrhorsetwat @37712 @VooDooMedic Each man will have it done to himself. No prison is more effective than the prison of the mind.

@mrhorsetwat @VooDooMedic that is a good question, I guess they think they can control men to castrate themselfs

@37712 @mrhorsetwat they pump them full of anti depression meds and call them shit only some small outlying data (school shooters) but we need them to push our agenda anyways

@mrhorsetwat @VooDooMedic

By divine command they cannot, it's a religious duty in Judaism to practise Tikun Olam, aka intentionally fucking with the world.

All Jews think this is their right and obligation, religious or not.

@mrhorsetwat @VooDooMedic

What if they live longer because they are not competing with other men for women and not because of the medical procedure?

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