No more Mr Nice Goy.

Serious question: how does the pro-Israeli MAGA normiefag lose their addiction to Jewcum in the same way Progressives have?

@Stahesh @VeganMGTOW @redmaple @Bomber_Harris @ButtWorldsMan @shortstories @Tfmonkey

Appreciate all who participated.

I'm surprised at the result, an even 50/50 on how normiefags overcome their Jewcum addiction.

I'd say it's an overall whitepill.

@UncleIroh @Stahesh @redmaple @Bomber_Harris @ButtWorldsMan @shortstories @Tfmonkey

Is not a whitepilled you did the pull to a very Niche demografic this Is just expected in this club.

@VeganMGTOW @Stahesh @redmaple @Bomber_Harris @ButtWorldsMan @shortstories @Tfmonkey

That's true. I can't exactly ask the same question on my morning team Zoom call.

Would be hilarious though.


@UncleIroh @VeganMGTOW @Stahesh @redmaple @Bomber_Harris @ButtWorldsMan @[email protected] @Tfmonkey

The very best site I could find for learning about Jewish texts at the time was

with two hyphens in the hyperlink otherwise it will take you somewhere else

Which originally said it was a place for tolerance on the opening page

I thought this must be annoying ELCA "liberal" type stuff but it was my only source to read the texts online so I used it

From it I learned....

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