I wish AMR the best of luck in his debate against Halsey. That being said, I don't see it accomplishing much. For one, Halsey is a Jewish disinformation agent, he has both a personal and professional interest in this matter, he has been given all the talking points as well as sources (doesn't matter if they're true or not).

Also, TFM's audience is already aware of this and Halsey's followers are probably mostly Jewish.
So whose minds will this debate change?

@Based_Accelerationist I want to submit questions ahead of time for debate,like can Halsey prove his Jewish lineage is not inbreed?and has he been tested for inbreed retardation from the inbreeding?Can AMR verify if his mother was traded for camels as a bride?are Egyptians black?Does he believe Egyptians actually built the pyramids or they were the slave race that did the labor for the Aryans?

@Scubbie @Based_Accelerationist Aliens clearly built the pyramids. Unfortunately they left earth when they inbred Hebrews into existence.

@Zeb @Scubbie @Based_Accelerationist

"I want to submit questions ahead of time for debate"


If I got to ask Halsey one question it would be to ask what Sanhedrin 57a means when it says,

"if a gentile murders another gentile, or a gentile murders a Jew, he is liable. If a Jew murders a gentile, he is exempt"

@shortstories @Zeb @Scubbie @Based_Accelerationist be careful Halsey might go back to his home dimension if you do that 😉


@Gonzo17 @Zeb @Scubbie @Based_Accelerationist

There was a Rabbi who said something like that Jews are aliens from another galaxy who have a mission on earth and that they will one day find they are called to meet up to carry out the mission even though they have lived on earth a long time and forgot about the mission

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@Gonzo17 @Zeb @Scubbie @Based_Accelerationist

People with parents who called themselves Jews who do not practice the kike religion and do not support anti goy practices and who have denounced the kike religion as evil should not be punished just because their parents practiced the kike religion

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