@Tfmonkey - If I may offer a small distinction for consideration: I understand CNY refers to anime lolis, right?
I've been around a doujin manga or two... and lolis are nothing like actual children - in demeanor and behavior that is. My point being: lolis ≠ children.
Lolis tend to be little sexpots and pinups, sprung forth from the imagination and a pen. Whereas actual children are generally needy & annoying little shits (that require immense investment to be turned into functional adults).
@nice-nigger @YoMomz we have been visited by the Nigbot, what a world to be alive in.
@Tfmonkey what is your perspective on ephebephilia? I think it is #basedandeffective
@Tfmonkey lets agree to disagree cuz Amish ppl marry their 25 - 30 yr old guys to 14 - 16 girls and with muslims the gap is even wider, also islam is the future.
@Tfmonkey @37712 Yes, but don't females complete puberty at 16? I mean a 17 year old can't run a house or clean and rear children, but she is fully developed. Why is there a difference between a 30 or 40 year old taking a 17 year old girlfriend than a 20 year old taking a q7 year old girlfriend. The 30 year old is in a much better position to take care of a woman. These women going for "men their own age" is troubling. I think this is older feminists trying to put themselves out as viable.
@sardonicsmile @Tfmonkey puberty varies a lot, males start puberty later than females, females start puberty at around 9 to 11 and end puberty at about 12 - 14 yrs old. The average female in the US starts her first menstruatuion at 12 yrs old meaning she is past puerty. Females develop at a younger age than males, tha is why they also have growth spurt earlier than males and this is also why you some times see some cases of 9 yr old girls getting pregnant.
@sardonicsmile @Tfmonkey I have also known of girls lousing their virginity at 12 yrs old, and not with the males their age, no, those kids' balls have not even dropped yet, they find guys who are sometimes 18 yrs old and fuck them.
@sardonicsmile @Tfmonkey out sociel structures are so backwards from what nature dictates, the Amish and Muslim really have it right. Maybe it should not end in taking womans rights away but also arranged marriages and if we are going that far then are weomen even ppl anymore? They are more like a commodity, a resource.
@37712 @Tfmonkey Amish and Islam have certain things right but are still disfavorable towards men. Colttaine did a video on this.
Arranged marriage is a viable solution since it removes the female from the decision making. They certainly have to have some liking of each other, but men ought not to be married st a young age. This "age appropriate" pairing where both are similar age is nonsense. Older, established men are ideal candidates for marriage to young girls
@sardonicsmile @Tfmonkey I completely agree with you. No system is perfect but the Amish and Muslim system at least work with nature and not against it like our modern system does. Women are terrible at picking a partner.
@37712 @nice-nigger @Tfmonkey - indeed! An absolute hell of a world.
We will make it better.
@37712 Literally nobody uses the word "ephebephilia" except pedophiles who want to differentiate themselves from the 'bad pedophiles'. It's like people who insist they're Otakus and not Weebs.
If you're in your early 20s and you have a 17 year old girlfriend, I don't think you should be on a sex offender list. However, if you're in your 30s or 40s, yes you should be.
If you're old enough to be their dad, and they're underage, you're a pedophile as far as I'm concerned.