@37712 He's suing them to remove his name from their list. They added him without his consent

@Mike_Microwave yeah, I have a hard time believing that, you dont get to be part of the WEF by accident, truth is that he is part of the WEF but now that he is running as a republicant he cant let it be known that he is part of them and probably does not want to be a part of them any longer but he was without a doubt a member of the WEF.

@37712 3 I agree. He is just one more thing they are adding to their list to help them steal the election easily Every year they add more and more. No IDs required, dead people voting, ballot harvesting, mail-in voting, rigged machines, locking out overseers, controlling the media, and now a young guy who says the right things that came out of "nowhere" and a Trump court circus, and suddenly there's someone who can take half of the republican votes from Trump, while many abandon the democrats?

@37712 We see what happens every time we think we get new blood in the republican party. They blow all their money on music videos. They make laws in America making it illegal to speak against Israel. They let democrats stick their dick under their eyepatch.

Only Trump is uncontrollable right now. I didn't even vote for him last time. I don't even see any reason to vote this time.

@37712 are you retarded? I get it all indians look the same but are you thinking ramaswamy?

@MrpoopyButhole I guess the answer to your question is yes and yes

All indians look alike

@37712 Vivec looks like the gunk an ogre picked out of his ass crack, fake god and lapdog of the progressive imperial scum.

@37712 according to him, he never asked to be put on their website, they refused to remove him, and he had to sue them to make them remove him.

@NEETzsche @Tfmonkey so, in other words he is part of the WEF but never approved them to display his membership on the WEF website.

@37712 @NEETzsche No, he never petitioned to join them. They just listed him and wouldn't take him off until he sued them.

They give out "awards" to people without their permission and list them on their website.

He is a member of the WEF but didn’t opt in and can’t opt out. :iddqd: “Oh, membership in our institution hurts your credibility in your circles, goy? We just decided you’re a member of our institution.” Like I said, politically brilliant.

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