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Karuros boosted
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Karuros boosted
Quick, someone reference the Talmud and raping animals :pepe_shiteatinggrin:
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Karuros boosted

Getting really fucking tired of these leftist kikes pretending to be white.

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Karuros boosted
Netanyahu came for a photo op in Majdal Shams with the families of the arab kids killed in the attack the other day. He was not warmly recieved.

None of them are drinking the kool aid. Everyone there knows it was Israel that fired the missile at the soccer field not Hezbollah. Hell they've been living next to an Iron Dome battery for months now.
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Video from last March shows the Israeli Iron Dome active near the village of Majdal Shams. In the video several Iron Dome rockets miss their target and fall into the village.

Israel is claiming that an Iranian made rocket was fired at the soccer field by Hezbollah (Source: trust me bro).
Karuros boosted
@Terry jew touches stove
"hw coud god do this to me"
jew tells black man to touch the stove
"how could the white man do this to me"
Karuros boosted

Professional victim instigator here, everyone on social media pretty much agrees. At this point keep destroying the Olympic ceremonies and casual sports talk with your agenda and politics. Keep going Jews, keep leading this degenerating society as the people’s rage silently builds and overflows.

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