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Here's one of @Tfmonkey 's ANTI -ZIONIST Jews caught in the wild. See how totally different they are from those other zionist Joos?
No no, Judaism isn't the problem, it's just the white-looking zionists that want to enslave you...

But to be fair, props to TFM for not falling for the "fake Jews"/Khazarians/Satanists/Frankists psyops, they're just Jews.


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IDF planned to use the explosive pagers during their upcoming invasion of Lebanon. But they heard some Hezbollah guy found out something funny with his pager and IDF just went for it before it was too late.

"use it or lose it"

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Fucking Germany. And they push this shit to other countries.

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Even mild resistance is met with extreme force.

There's not peaceful way out of this for either Europe or America.

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People can't afford buying a house at these prices. And if they could, costs like property taxes and insurance skyrocketing would kick them in the balls.

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Chunk yogurt finally sounding reasonable about something.

All the normies are assuring him kikerael would never use it on non-terrorists. Surely this isn't a sign of what we'll be seeing more of in the future, right?

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Remigration is bullshit. They will fight back. It's not viable.

The only realistic solution is going all the way.

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It would be smart of White people to start training their kids, too.

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Black women hate White women.

Dumb White women try hard to be an ally but they will never be respected because of envy. Hopefully some day they'll wake up.

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I do not like NAZIs. Because they were socialists instead of capitalists.

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Just stop having insomnia and arthritis. EZ PZ.

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.