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Man shiiiieeeeeeeeet. So wat u be sayin is *smacks lips* ay yo so u be tellin me we jus repeatin history again?

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Americans are completely retarded.

The USA is a police state, there is a record global debt bubble, WWIII will soon break out, and Civil War 2.0 is about to start and Americans will look you in the eye and say you should bury your head in the sand now, trust the government, ignore the history of the collapse of Rome and the fall of the Soviet Union, invest money, and don't buy guns, gold, or food.

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Everything is illegal, everyone is a criminal, everyone is under surveillance 24/7, and no one cares.

Living in a police state means that you must live in dread of being arrested. You can't help feeling hopeless.

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Foreigners entering white countries to take advantage of civilizations built by white people are practicing a form of brood parasitism. Like cuckoo birds that lay eggs in nests of other birds. Eggs that hatch then kill the eggs of the native birds tricked into feeding them.

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BREAKING: Drone has crashed into a high-rise building in Saratov, Russia
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Europe: Imports immigrants to support the welfare state
Immigrants: become leeches upon said welfare state, thus accelerating its collapse.

Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.

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AG Merrick Garland just THREATENED anyone who may contest the results of the 2024 election, using J6 political prisoners as an example

Garland is the most corrupt AG in HISTORY, and he has no shame about it.

Is the Biden Harris regime going to JAIL anyone that calls out voter fraud??!

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How much of the current general mental health crisis is directly attributable to people trying to navigate life with a warped understanding of how everything works?
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Tags: stats, race, blacks, whites, affirmative_action, black_brown_privilege, education, university
Source: The booru is down for now
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