@Tfmonkey Remember that Alex Jones/Stew Peters interview about Israel?

Well, this clip is from a few days ago, the EXACT same thing happened, except it was Tim Pool this time. As soon as the guest mentions Israel and starts making some of the same points, Tim Pool immediately goes full Alex Jones and claims the guest is OBSESSED with Israel. It's like a script.



We've finally found someone who agrees with Halsey! The US is pulling the strings of Israel!
Tim Pool will say anything for money.

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@Based_Accelerationist @Tfmonkey

I'd love to know the exact circumstances of how and when little Timmy got bent over by the Tiny Hat Gang.

@UncleIroh In all seriousness, Tim Pool likely never had to see a rabbi. All his life, he's always prioritized money. His opinions change alongside Youtube's community updates, he's constantly told (sometimes in person by Youtube reps) what he should or shouldn't say regarding certain topics. Israel is one of those topics and Tim Pool isn't suddenly going to grow a spine. He's 100% about the grift, that's why he shills for Trump, muh cUlTuRe wAR (buy his albums) and all the other normie stuff.


The USA is not pulling Israel's strings

Israel is not pulling USA strings

The media owners are pulling the strings of both Israel and USA

The media owners as listed by the media are of a greater percent of Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jewish ancestry than the general population

At the very top it has to be media owners because the system is controlled by brainwashing and mind control

The police and military that enforce the rules are controlled by untrue information

@shortstories Absolutely untrue.

The police/military aren't controlled by information, especially nowadays when most have been replaced by mercenaries. They're all controlled by money and power. Very few people fight for what they believe in, over what is convenient for them. This isn't a Hollywood movie.

Controlling information is worthless against someone who controls an actual army. And Israel controls the US, more than anyone else. Media owners work for the people who control the guns

@shortstories Media companies are used by the government to control the peasants and even then, their power is exaggerated.

At the end of the day, people don't obey the government, fight wars and get vaccinated because the media told them it's the right thing to do. They do it primarily, because they are dependent on the system and don't want to fight it. Only a tiny minority is actually "brainwashed", most people are just weak and would rather submit that to risk their comfort for their rights


The mercenaries are paid in information called digital money not physical money like Gold

Individual governments as listed by the United Nations can not be in charge of things on the top

If each government was independent then they would not all agree to do the COVID 19 policy together at the same time

COVID 19 proves one singular sentient being or singular group of sentient beings is in charge of all major governments, corporations and media outlets at the same time

@shortstories @Based_Accelerationist The Offspring of Cain the Serpents seed are not sons of Adam,Eve bore the son of Satan John 8:44
Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

@shortstories Yes most governments aren't independent. If they were, the world would look nothing like this. But that's precisely because most governments don't have control over a real army. Look at the EU, they completely rely on NATO for security (as intended by the US). EU citizens don't make for good soldiers either, which is why they're importing so many migrants.

It's all about who controls the soldiers/weapons. That's Russia, China, US/Israel. Those are the only governments that matter.

@shortstories Digital money isn't information. Digital money is just as valuable as real money, as long as, the people in power enforce its value. That's all that matters. Mercenaries are paid with whatever token they need to get real things that they need.

It makes no difference if it's gold or CBDC, as long as they can exchange it for whatever goods/services they want.
It's not information, the media isn't in charge of the guns.

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